Greenback, TN. So you want to know how the story of the cat ends? The question is - does anything ever really end or is it just the begining of a new chapter?
You will be happy to know (and if you are not, I do not want to hear it) that the cat I blogged about a week or so ago has found his missing family or rather, they have found him. Oliver, as he is officially known, is actually a neighbor cat and his family had gone on vacation. All is well, now. He is being pampered more than ever and I am paying more attention to the neighborhood cats. Oliver still comes to visit and I still commune with him, but at least we know who the other is and that is as it stands.
I am thrilled that Oliver has found his owners! Bless you for being there in his time of need.
He looks so much like my son's cat my heart was aching for him!
Thanks Shari. The fun thing is that he still comes by to visit, so I still get to see him.
WOW - they just went on vacation and let Oliver fend for himself...??? That does not sound like a good home....
Good thing Oliver's people came back. I'm not surprised at all that he still comes to visit you--cats know nice people when they see them! He will always be your friend for caring about him. He lookes like my Spunky Doodle!
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